Academic Papers & PDF Library

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"Presidential systems lack mechanisms for assuring that the executive has a majority in the legislature, and there is no way of replacing minority governments until the next prescheduled elections. Consequently, presidential systems are simultaneously more prone to minority governments and to immobilism. Immobilism has often led to enervation of executive power, problems of governability, and severe conflict between legislatures and presidents, sometimes contributing decisively to democratic breakdowns."

Scott Mainwaring, PhD | Author of Presidentialism, Multiparty Systems & Democracy: The Difficult Equation

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Don't ever believe that myth that Federalism will worsen warlords and dynasties. It's a lie that the Monsod couple - Christian and Winnie - invented and propagated on their TV appearances and their newspaper articles which they have repeated over and over again in order to brainwash Filipinos who don't know any better. But look at Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Malaysia, Switzerland, and many other countries that use Federalism. Do you see them dominated by warlords and dynasties? No. In the case of Malaysia, the old traditional dynasties have been relegated to mostly ceremonial positions as Sultans who rotate amongst themselves to become the Federal King.

Welcome to the CoRRECT™ Movement’s repository of academic papers and PDF documents. We have painstakingly collected and curated these documents to facilitate the acquisition of more knowledge in important areas of societal and economic development as well as governance and administration. We shall continue to add more to this collection.

Please feel free to go through each of the Academic Papers and other PDFs found in our collection. You may download these and use them for research purposes.