Monthly Archive: February 2018

Rediscovering the Advantages of Federalism

by Geoffrey de Q. Walker (Professor Emeritus from the University of Queensland) (This article was originally taken from the Parliament of Australia website) The new `age of federalism’ Worldwide interest in federalism is probably stronger...

Centrist Proposals Executive Summary

The Centrist proposals The Centrist proposals (CDPI, CDP, Lakas, 2004 ConCom and CDA) calls for a shift to a parliamentary-federal system, with a unicameral body, with the president as head of state and a...

The PDP-Laban Federalism Executive Summary

Proposed Amendments to the 1987 Philippine Constitution [The Constitution of the Federal Republic of the Philippines] The PDP Laban Model of PH Federalism: An Executive Summary The Philippines has a unitary system of government...